Monday, 24 July 2017

Top 5 Most Interesting Bosses From Spyro The Dragon

Spyro The Dragon is without a doubt, along with Crash Bandicoot, one of the most memorable platformers out there; if not the most or second most. Part of these game's memorability is their characters; especially their bosses.

Spyro The Dragon is known for some innovative and challenging free roam platforming, but the bosses...aren't exactly known for being the most difficult, especially in the original game. I won't deny that bosses like Spike or Ripto or the very final Sorceress battle are quite difficult, especially if you're playing for the first time or haven't played in a while. I mean, I'm probably being unfair considering I've played the original Spyro trilogy 30+ times over.

But that's not what I'm talking about today. Rather than ranking the bosses on difficulty, I'll be ranking them based on fascination.

5. Metalhead

Gnasty Gnorc seems like a big doofus...and he kinda is, but he was smart enough to build this giant robot. Then again, he wasn't smart enough to hide the power poles charging him. Metalhead isn't one of the most common bosses people think of when they think of Spyro, but I do. Maybe it's because I just love robots (which I do, they're freaking awesome,) but I love the fact that Gnasty Gnorc got impatient with his living, breathing henchmen that he was just like; screw it, I'll build my own.

But did he really build him? He probably got one of his minions to build it. Gnasty Gnorc is lazy, just sitting in his shiny throne. He does have his magic staff, but if he really made Metalhead with his staff, why does he need the pole chargers? I think he made his minions build it.

4. Scorch

Scorch was originally a Rhynoc, one of the Sorceress' minions, until she got impatient with killing Spyro. She said he would be ''the monster to end all monsters'' which sounds awesome; too bad he was super easy. Despite being easy, he is pretty rad. I wonder if the poor Rhynoc he was before had a good life; a family, kids. Or do Rhynoc's have individual lives? I always assumed they were tied to the Sorceress 24/7. What about all the Rhynoc's she changed into bosses? The poor Rhynocs...I do sympathize with them a little bit, because it's clear they're terrified of the Sorceress. Maybe if she wasn't fear mongering them they would have been part of the good guys.

I will say, the coolest part of Scorch isn't just his design, but where his boss battle takes place, his pit. If you look closely, you'll notice it's not just some pit; it's a bloody carcass! Holy crap that's awesome. What a badass.

3. Blowhard

Blowhard is a boss also created by Gnasty Gnorc; a boss who is in charge of the wizards you see in the Magic Crafters world. Blowhard has a very bizarre design; you can barely tell what he is. Is he a bird? Or is he just made up of random pieces of trash Gnasty put together with his magic? He's a mystery. What's weird is, if he was made by Gnasty Gnorc, why does he only have storm power? I would have given him a combination of all the elements. Oh wait, that's right, Gnasty isn't very smart. How could I forget?

2. Dr. Shemp

Dr. Shemp, unlike the other two bosses I listed created by Gnasty, was not created, but hired. Like Blowhard, I have no idea what he is. What makes him more interesting, since he was not created, what is his background? Is he an assasin, or just some random guy? Why does he think he's so cool? Listen buddy, until you turn into a fire breathing lizard that can fly, you'll never be as cool as our titular hero. What makes him one of my top favourites is how entertaining he is. Every time I fight this guy I always have a big smile on my face. I hope he appears in future Spyro games (which will totally be made, by the way. THEY HAVE TO!)

1. Toasty

The very first boss ever that you encounter and my personal favourite. His outfit and environment are creepy and give you chills, but he's probably the easiest boss in the history of ever. He doesn't do much to cause damage to you, which is your first clue he's not what he seems. If he was actually a scary pumpkin man he'd have better control, swinging at you with his scythe. Instead he just bounces and flops around like an idiot. I guess that's what happens when you're secretly a sheep on stilts. That's what makes him the most interesting for me; a sheep on, what? Why? That's hilarious and everything, but what the hell? I knew those sheep were evil, I knew it. Is this part of their plan for world domination? Maybe Spyro has bigger problems to worry about.

So there you have it; that is my top 5 most interesting Spyro bosses. This is all based on opinion, so feel free to agree or disagree! I'd be interested to know what everyone elses' favourites are. 


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